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The design of the Rhize Manufacturing Data Hub comes from decades of work in industrial automation. Rhize is designed to scale to the largest organizations, integrate with legacy systems, and address the complex reality of manufacturing head on. These to do this, these are our explicit design goals:

  • Provide a highly reliable means to collect manufacturing data from varied sources.
  • Standardize this data in a way that accurately places it within an event in the context of an entire manufacturing operation.
  • Offer a programmable engine to write custom logic to process the data and send it between systems.
  • Support being built on top of it, where Rhize serves as the backend for MES/MOM frontends.
  • Expose this system through an interface that is accessible to the widest number of stakeholders in the manufacturing operation.

These following topics explain the concepts, architecture, and philosophy that underpin the Rhize application:

Manufacturing Data Hub
What is a Manufacturing Data Hub? Why is it necessary? How the design of Rhize meets the needs of modern manufacturing.
ISA-95 diagrams
Helpful diagrams to present a high-level overview of the ISA-95 models for entities and information flows.
How to speak ISA-95
More than a standard, ISA-95 is a specialized vocabulary that describes all elements of manufacturing operation.