About KPI Service and overrides

About KPI Service and overrides

📝The KPI service is currently provided through a separate Helm chart. If you want to use for your Rhize installation, get in touch.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in manufacturing are metrics to help monitor, assess, and optimize the performance of various aspects of your production process.

Rhize has an optional KPI service that queries process values persisted to a time-series database and then calculates various KPIs. Rhize’s implementation of work calendars is inspired by ISO/TR 22400-10, a standard on KPIs in operations management.

What the service does

    actor U as User
    participant K as KPI Service
    participant TSDB as Time Series Database

    U->>K: Query KPI in certain interval
    K->>TSDB: Query State Records
    TSDB->>K: Response: State records
    K->>TSDB: Query Quantity Records
    TSDB->>K: Response: Quantity records
    K->>TSDB: Query JobResponse Records
    TSDB->>K: Response: JobResponse records
    K-->>TSDB: (Optional:) Query Planned Downtime Records
    TSDB-->>K: Response: Downtime Records
    K-->>TSDB: (Optional:) Query Shift Records
    TSDB-->>K: Response: Downtime Records
    K->>K: Calculate KPIs
    K->U: Response: KPI Result

The KPI service provides an interface in the graph database for the user to query a list of pre-defined KPIs on a piece of equipment in the equipmentHierarchy within a certain time interval. The service then queries the time-series database for all state changes, produced quantities, and job response data. With the returned data, the service calculates the KPI value and returns it to the user.

Supported KPIs

The service supports all KPIs described by the ISO/TR 22400-10, along with some other useful KPIs:

  • ActualProductionTime
  • ActualUnitSetupTime
  • ActualSetupTime
  • ActualUnitDelayTime
  • ActualUnitDownTime
  • TimeToRepair
  • ActualUnitProcessingTime
  • PlannedShutdownTime
  • PlannedDownTime
  • PlannedBusyTime
  • Availability
  • GoodQuantity
  • ScrapQuantity
  • ReworkQuantity
  • ProducedQuantityMachineOrigin
  • ProducedQuantity
  • Effectiveness
  • EffectivenessMachineOrigin
  • QualityRatio
  • OverallEquipmentEffectiveness
  • ActualCycleTime
  • ActualCycleTimeMachineOrigin