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Master definitions and fields

To make a production object visible to the Rhize data hub, you must define it as a data model.

These sections document all the objects that you can add through the UI, and the fields and properties that you can associate with them. All these models are based on the ISA-95 standard, mostly from Part 2, which describes the role-based equipment hierarchy.


Global object fields

All objects that you define must have a unique name. Additionally, most objects have the following fields:

Global fieldDescription
VersionThe version of the object (and each version has a state)
DescriptionFreeform text to describe what the object does and help colleagues understand its role

Version states

Each version of an object can have the following states:

  • Draft
  • Active
  • For review
  • Deprecated
Note When recording actual execution, what matters is version of the object, not its general definition. Thus, to add a class to an object, you must give that object a version first.

Common models

Common models are data objects that can apply to different resources in your manufacturing process

Units of Measure

A Unit of measure is a defined unit to consistently compare values, duration or quantities.

You can create units of measure in the UI and give them the following parameters:

  • Name
  • Data type

Data Sources

A data source is a source of real-time data that is collected by the Rhize agent. For example, in a baking process, a data source might be an OPC UA server that sends readings from an oven thermometer.

The general fields for a data source are as follows:

General fieldsDescription
Connection stringA string to specify information about the data source and the way to connect to it
The Data source protocolEither MQTT or OPCUA
usernameIf needed, username for Agent authentication
passwordIf needed, password for Agent authentication
certificateIf needed, certificate for Agent authentication

Additionally, each data source can have topics that Rhize should be able to subscribe to. Each topic has the following fields:

Topic fieldDescription
Data typeThe data type Rhize expects to find when it receives data from that topic
Deduplication keyThe field that NATS uses to de-duplicate messages from multiple data sources.
LabelThe name of the topic on the side of the data source
DescriptionA freeform text field to add context

Some data sources, such as OPC UA, have methods for RPC calls.

Hierarchy Scope

The hierarchy scope represents the scope within which data information is exchanged. It provides a flexible way to group entities and data outside of the scope defined by the role-based equipment hierarchy.

Resource models

Resource models are data objects that have a specific role in your role-based equipment hierarchy.

Equipment class

An equipment class is a grouping of equipment for a definite purpose. For example, in a baking process, an equipment class might be the category of all ovens, with properties such as maximum temperature and number of shelves.

Along with the Global properties, an equipment class can include an indefinite number of properties with the following fields:

NameName of the property
DescriptionA freeform text to describe the property
Unit of measureThe properties (unit of measure)[#uom]


A piece of equipment is a tool with a defined role in a process segment. For example, in a baking process, equipment might be a specific brownie oven.

Equipment also might be part of hierarchy of levels, starting with Enterprise and ending with granular levels such as WorkUnit.

Along with the following fields, you can also connect an equipment item to a data source, add additional properties, and toggle it to be active or inactive.

Along with the global object fields, an equipment object has the following fields:

General equipment fieldsDescription
Equipment classThe class of equipment that it belongs to.
Equipment levelAssociated level for the equipment. One of: Enterprise, Site, Area, ProcessCell, Unit, ProductionLine, WorkCell, ProductionUnit, Warehouse, StorageZone, StorageUnit, WorkCenter, WorkUnit, EquipmentModule, ControlModule, Other

Material Class

A material class is a group of material with a shared purpose in the manufacturing process.

Along with the global object fields, a material-class object has the following fields:

General fieldsDescription
Assembly typeCan be one of:
  1. Logical: the components of the material are not necessarily physically connected
  2. Physical: the components of the material are physically connected or in the same location
    RelationshipCan be one of:
    1. Permanent, if a material that can’t be split from the production process
    2. Transient, for temporary material in assembly, such as a pallet
    Hierarchy scopeThe hierarchy scope that material class belongs to
    Includes properties ofOne or more material classes that a version inherits properties from
    Is assembled fromMaterial classes that make this material

    Material classes may have an indefinite number of properties with parameters for the following fields:

    Material definition

    Materials are everything required to produce a finished good. They include raw materials, intermediate materials, and collections of parts.

    Along with the global object fields, a material object has the following fields:

    Material classOne or more material classes that a version inherits properties from

    Materials may have an indefinite number of properties with parameters for the following fields:

    Personnel Class

    A personnel class is a grouping of persons whose work shares a definite purpose in the manufacturing process. In a baking process, an example of a personnel class may be oven_operators.

    Along with the global object fields, a personnel-class object has the following fields:

    General fieldsDescription
    Hierarchy scopeThe hierarchy scope within which this personnel exchanges data


    A person is a unique member of personnel class.

    Along with the global object fields, a person object has the following fields:

    General fieldsDescription
    NameThe name of the person
    Hierarchy scopeThe hierarchy scope that the person belongs to
    Inherit personnel classesOne or more personnel classes that a version inherits properties from
    Operational locationThe associated Operational location

    Physical asset class

    A physical asset class is a class of physical assets.

    The physical asset class has properties for:

    • ClassType
    • Value
    • Unit of measure

    Physical Asset

    A physical asset is portable or swappable equipment. In a baking process, a physical asset might be the laser jet printer which adds labels to the boxes (and could be used in many segments across the plant).

    In many cases, your process may need to model only equipment, not physical assets.

    Operational Location Class

    An operational location class is a grouping of operational locations for a defined purpose. For example, in a baking process, an operational location class may be Kitchens

    Along with the global object fields, an operational-location-class object has the following fields:

    General fieldsDescription
    Hierarchy scopeThe hierarchy scope within which this location exchanges data
    Inherit Operational location classOne or more Operational location classes that a version inherits properties from

    Operational Location

    An operational location is where resources are expected to be located in a plant. For example, in a baking process, an operational location class may be northwing_kitchen_A

    Along with the global object fields, an operational-location object has the following fields:

    General fieldsDescription
    Hierarchy scopeThe hierarchy scope within which this location exchanges data
    Operational location classesZero or more operational location classes that a version inherits properties from
    Map viewWhere the location is on the map

    Operation models

    Operation models are data objects that describe manufacturing processes from the perspective of the level-4 (ERP) systems.

    Process segment

    A process segment is a step in a manufacturing activity that is visible to a business process, grouping the necessary personnel, material, equipment, and physical assets. In a baking process, an example segment might be mixing.

    You can associate specifications for:

    • Equipment, Material, Personnel, and Physical Assets

    Along with the global object fields, a process-segment object has the following fields:

    General fieldsDescription
    Operations typeOne of: Inventory, maintenance, mixed, production, quality
    Definition typeOne of: Instance, Pattern
    DurationThe expected duration
    Duration unit of measureThe time unit of measure
    Hierarchy scopeThe hierarchy scope within which data is exchanged for this process segment

    You can add additional parameters for:

    • Name
    • Value
    • Unit of measure

    Operations Definition

    Operations Definitions describe how resources come together to manufacture product from the perspective of the level-4 (ERP) systems.

    The operation model carries enough detail to plan the work at resolutions of hours and days. For more granularity, refer to work models.

    Along with the global object fields, an operations-definition object has the following fields:

    General fieldsDescription
    Operation typeOne of: Inventory, maintenance, mixed, production, quality
    Hierarchy scopeThe hierarchy scope within which data is exchanged for this operations definition

    Operations event class

    An operations event class defines a class of operations events within some hierarchy.

    The class has the following properties:

    • Version
    • Operations event classes, defining one or more operations event classes that a version inherits properties from

    Operations event definition

    An operations event definition defines the properties that pertain to an event from the perspective of the level-4 (ERP) systems. Along with the event itself, it may have associated resources, such as material lots or physical assets received.

    Along with the global object fields, an operations-event-definition object has the following fields:

    CategoryA string that can be used to group the event
    SourceThe activity, function, task or phase that generated the event.
    Event typeOne of:
    1. Alert, an potentially significant event, such as a workflow trigger, that does not require notification
    2. Alarm, an event that requires notification
    3. Event, any other event that is not at the level of alarm or alert
    Operations event classesOne or more operations event classes that a version definition inherits properties from.

    Work models

    Work models describe how the resources come together to manufacture product from the perspective of level-3 (MES) systems. As with Operations models, the steps in the process are called segments.

    The work model carries enough detail to plan the work at resolutions of hours and minutes. For less granularity, refer to operations definitions.

    Work Master

    A work master is a template for a job order from the perspective of the level-3 (MES/MOM) systems. In a baking process, an example work master might be Brownie Recipe.

    Along with the global object fields, a work-master object has the following fields:

    General fieldsDescription
    Workflow typeOne of: Inventory, maintenance, mixed, production, quality
    Workflow specificationAn associated BPMN workflow

    Work calendar

    Work calendars describe a set of rules for specific calendar entries, including duration, start and end dates, and times.

    The general fields for a calendar duration are as follows:

    General fieldsDescription
    DescriptionA description of the work calendar
    Hierarchy scopeThe hierarchy scope that defines scope of data exchanged for the calendar entries

    The work calendar can have properties with a description, value, and unit of measure.

    The work calendar object can have one or more entries, which define the start, end, duration, and recurrence of a rule. The duration and recurrence attributes for a time-based rule are represented by the ISO 8601 standard. The attributes for an entry are as follows:

    Entry fieldsDescription
    DescriptionFreeform text that describes the entry
    TypeOne of: PlannedBusyTime, PlannedDownTime, and PlannedShutdown
    Start date and timeWhen the entry starts
    End date and timeWhen the entry finishes
    Recurrence time intervalHow often the entry repeats according to the repeating interval representation of IS0 8601
    Duration ruleHow long the work calendar lasts, according to the Duration representation of IS0 8601.